Global unlock should happen now

Team may be having issues with claims and wallet address change but for those who have claimed successfully need the flexibility.

The devs had reasons to lock tokens but i think at this juncture it should be made transferable even if listing will not happen anytime soon.

Personally i would like to move tokens to a secured wallet. If there are timelines as to when these will be done team should make it known.

Do you side with me ?

By the way can we create the proposal


Wallet-specific release schedules are already set. These wallet-specific release schedules begin 1 June, with the length then determined by the tranche in which you participated. More info can be found here: The ONDO Token | Flux Finance Docs

If the global token lock was removed today, 100% of purchased ONDO tokens would still be locked/non-transferrable at present.


It is absolutely necessary to speak more specifically about the unlocking of the GLOBAL token, because it is creating distrust among new investors and affecting the possibility of listing the project, which is the best marketing strategy a project can have. Otherwise, new investors come and go without investing in Flux because they cannot currently obtain the token and therefore cannot exercise their right to vote. It is a serious lack of democratization in the ecosystem that the token is not yet available to the public.

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Agreed, there is a serious lack of information regarding the ONDO token and the release of the pre-sale tokens.

Tokens should be released according to schedule and with information available to the investors.

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unlock + listing + stacking

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Totally agree, we need to transfer our token in new wallet in case of compromised, unlock protocal should be process in this May before the releasing time begin in early this June. If not listing any exchange yet then let us have a pool to staking in meantime. Tks :kissing_heart:


Totally agree, let’s unlock tokens now, as the release schedule starts soon and let’s get them listed on an exchange as soon as possible as well!

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Agree ser , Unlock + Listing + Staking


Please see response here

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Unlocking and listing Ondo now will probably result in a lower token price than Coinlist’s ICO.
In several months’ time, not only will the market be in a much better shape, but we’ll also have unlocked a significant portion of the tokens, meaning a profit for those who want to sell.

If your concern is “transferring tokens to a safe wallet”, unlocking them today or in 10 years’ time wouldn’t make any difference, since they can’t be moved anyway.

TLDR, it’s not in anyone’s interest to remove the global lock right now.

Agree ser , Unlock + Listing + Staking